Go! to the Rock Restaurant Zanzibar
Here is a simple way to get to the Rock Restaurant Zanzibar. Use Whatsapp to arrange Now!

On time Transport
Our taxi service is always on time, we care the travelers' time.
Friendly Drivers
We are the team of friendly and experienced drivers in Zanzibar.
Free waiting fees
We do not charge waiting fee at the Airport, driver will be waiting.
No additional fees
You do not pay any other fee. Price is including every charge.
How long from Stone Town to The Rock Restaurant Zanzibar?
It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes from Stone Town to the Rock Restaurant.
How long from Nungwi to the Rock Restaurant Zanzibar?
The Taxi from Nungwi to the Rock Restaurant takes 1 hour and 43 minutes
What is the distance from Paje to the Rock Restaurant?
The distance from Paje to the Rock Restaurant 15 minutes.
Do you offer a round trip to the Rock Restaurant?
Yes, we do provide a round trip transport. We take you from Hotel to the Rock Restaurant and then back to Hotel.
Best Restaurant in Zanzibar!
The Rock Restaurant zanzibar
The Rock Restaurant Zanzibar, also known as Rock Caffe for some travelers. It is on rock built restaurant which is located in Michamvi Pingwe, South East Coast of Zanzibar. This Restaurant is among famous restaurant in Zanzibar Islands. From the Rock Restaurant, you can have your seafoods delicious; Lobsters, squid, Octopus, Crabs, oysters, etc.
The best way to go the Rock Restaurant, is to book your transport with us. And then we are here to provide you a transport from your Hotel to the the rock. No hassle, we will help you to book your table.
Why should you go to The Rock Restaurant?
- The Rock Restaurant is a must visit restaurant in Zanzibar when you come for your Holiday. It offer amazing food that you can remember when you back to Home.
- There is no Sunset at the Rock Restaurant, but you can have perfect sunrise in the morning with your cup of tea of coffee.
- If you want to test amazing fresh seafoods flavor, then visit to the Rock Restaurant.
- Its easy to go eat at the Rock Restaurant, because we have simplified you the process to
Transport from hotel to
the rock Restaurant Zanzibar
We provide you a simplest way to escape from your Hotel to the rock Restaurant in Michamvi. Michamvi is among best beaches worth to visit in Zanzibar because of the Rock Restaurant and beautiful Sunset at Michamvi Kae. contact us to book today!

The Rock Restaurant zanzibar Menu
Most popular The Rock Restaurant menu! These prices are general prices, you can see actual prices from their website.
are you still thinking How to Get to The Rock Restaurant?
Click below and book your transport to The Rock Restaurant by clicking below book now button.

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