How to get from Stone Town to Michamvi

Are you looking to get to Michamvi beach and you are still in Stone Town? This guide is for you, we have included all possible ways to get from Stone Town to Michamvi.

Available options on getting from Stone Town to Michamvi

The safest and best way to travel from Stone Town to Michamvi is using a private car. This is especially if you are a tourists in Zanzibar.

FAQ on How to Get from Stone Town to Michamvi Beach

1. What is the fastest way to get from Stone Town to Michamvi beach?

The fastest way to get from Stone Town to Michamvi is to book your private taxi which will take one hour to arrive at the beach.

2. How far is it from Stone Town to Michamvi?

The distance between Stone Town and Michamvi is 35 km.

3. Can I just walk from Stone Town to Michamvi without a car?

The distance from Stone Town to Michamvi is not walking distance, just imagine that a car driving will take one hour to arrive in Michamvi.

4. How long does it take to go from Stone Town to Michamvi?

It takes approximately one hour and 25 minutes to travel from Stone Town to Michamvi beach.

5. What is the cheapest way to get to Michamvi from Stone Town?

The cheapest way to get from Stone Town to Michamvi is using Daladala which costs around $1. But this is not convenient if you are in Zanzibar for a Holiday.

6. Can I rent a car from Stone Town to Michamvi beach?

Yes, you can just rent a car from Stone Town. But make sure to find a reliable car rental company to get you the best car you can drive.

7. Which is the best way to get to Michamvi beach from Stone Town?

The best way to  get from Stone Town to Michamvi is by booking your private transfer online.

8. How can I book my car from Stone Town to Michamvi?

Please use this link to book transfer from Stone Town to Michamvi.

9. How long is it from Zanzibar Airport to Michamvi Beach?

It takes around 1 hour for a Taxi from Zanzibar Airport to Michamvi Beach.

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